Palm PubMed is an efficient and powerful tool for researchers who use PubMed on a daily basis.
* Build searches by typing any PubMed supported free text or using App flexible and powerful search builder for Advanced Search.
* Retrieve all search results, no limitations. Based on results, easily search authors other publications by selecting author name directly.
* Save your favorite publications on your device so that you can view offline.
* Receive iOS push notifications for your favorite search keywords when there are any new publications.
* Browse search results by taping “Previous Page” and “Next Page” button on both top and bottom of the result view.
* Sort results by your favorite order (Recently Added, Pub Date, First Author, Last Author, Journal, Title).
* Access PubMed webpage for your selected reference in App, without leaving the result view. You could get fulltext access like you use a computer if you are in your organizational network (including through VPN on your iPad).
* Email search results by only one tap.
* Manage recent searches.
* Support "Pubmed Mobile" which is a mobile friendly Web interface to access PubMed.